Google: The Social Media Company

Over the last few years, the popularity of social channels – for professionals, teens, grandmas and everyone in between – has skyrocketed. Consider the recent numbers:

Twitter experienced an annual growth in 2009 of 1,382%
Facebook now boasts 400 million active users
Every minute, 20 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube

Between blog posts, Facebook status updates, tweets, [...]

10 Reasons SES New York is a Must-Attend Marketing Conference

Let’s get it out of the way that Online Marketing Blog is a media sponsor for Search Engine Strategies conferences and also that I serve on the advisory board. In fact, the blog you’re reading right now was the very first blog to be recognized as a media sponsor by a major marketing industry conference. [...]

2010 LeadingRE Conference: TopRank Digital Marketing Sessions

Last week, I was in Las Vegas for the LeadingRE annual conference and marketing technology event speaking on social media and SEO strategies for real estate professionals. It’s always interesting to see where different verticals are at with their willingness to embrace social channels, and I’m pleased to report [...]

5 Ways to Electrify Your Social Network

A typical situation for many marketers when it comes to social networks is this: Setup LinkedIn profile, check. Corporate LinkedIn page, check.  Facebook profile, check. Facebook Fan Page, check. Twitter account, check. Corporate blog, check. Check check check!
But where’s the buzz? Where are the fans, friends, followers, comments, links, traffic, search engine rankings? Where’s [...]

Shutterstock Voted Best Royalty Free Stock Photos Site for Bloggers

A great photo can really add a lot of flavor to a blog post and in our own analysis at Online Marketing Blog as well as with clients, including quality images with a blog post can boost traffic and referrals 30-50%. To make posts more personal, I try to use my own photos as [...]