5 Ingredients for a Perfect Twitter Marketing Recipe

After reading Lee’s post earlier this week on how to source content on Twitter, I started to think about the homemade guacamole I made for the football playoff games last weekend. Stick with me here.
With my guacamole, I carefully strategize on the right mix of each ingredient to achieve the perfect flavor and consistency.
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BIGLIST Update: Search Marketing Blogs 012810

Welcome to a new BIGLIST review of SEO blogs. While it’s by no means a requirement for blogs to post daily or even every week to provide useful content to readers, it does take at least 1 post every 2 weeks to be included in the BIGLIST. We’re seeing a shift with many blogs to posting [...] http://bit.ly/97oCSX

10 Tips For Content Marketing Success

As more companies, marketers and industry professionals flood the web with content, the value of those with a true understanding of content marketing keeps going up. More noise increases the value of signal. If your content marketing defines you as that source of signal, you’ll consistently be found, referenced and chosen ahead of [...] http://bit.ly/a1XDuX

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5 Ways to Source Content on Twitter

With the increasing emphasis on content marketing for both SEO and Social Media, I thought I’d offer some specific tips on dealing with one of the most prevalent issues companies face in this area:  long term sourcing of content.  While we’ve written about content sourcing for corporate blogs in the past, but this post will emphasize how [...] http://bit.ly/6OKCLD

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Belly dance is a Western name for an Arabic style of dance developed in the Middle East. The belly dance is based on one of the oldest social dances in world history, native to North Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Much of the support for this theory stems from the similarities between poses in ancient Egyptian artwork and the modern dance.
In its native lands, boys and girls learn the dance from an early age. As with many social dances, it is learned informally through observation and imitation of their elders during family and community celebrations, as well as during informal gatherings with friends. Today, ancient belly dances are taught in classes offered throughout the world, and skilled belly dancers are able to share their knowledge that has been passed down from the indigenous peoples who created them.

Most of the basic steps and techniques used in belly dance are circular motions isolated in one part of the body; for example, a circle parallel to the floor isolated in the hips or shoulders. Accents using "pop and lock" where a belly dancer either shimmies or makes a striking motion in her shoulders or hips are common, as are feats of flexibility, rolling one's belly muscles, balancing various props like baskets, swords or canes, and dancing with chiffon or silk belly dance hip scarf (hip scarves).


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Survey Results: Impact of Blogging on Search Engine Optimization

Recently I posted a series of informal poll questions about blog SEO on Twitter to gain insights and feedback which were leveraged to construct a more in-depth survey.  I used the longer survey to collect information on how companies are using blogs for search engine optimization purposes and what kind of impact those efforts have. Essentially, [...] http://bit.ly/4VAcms

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BBC SPORT | Cricket Scorecard

One Day International Series: Australia v Pakistan
24-01-2010 at Sydney
Australia beat Pakistan by 140 runs
Pakistan won the toss and decided to field
Australia Innings
267 for 6 (50.0 overs)
Pakistan Innings
127 all out (37.3 overs)

Australia Innings - Close
Runs Balls 4s 6s
S Watson c Shoaib Malik b Shahid Afridi 69 71 9 1
Marsh c Umar Gul b Shahid Afridi 41 60 4 0
Ponting c Mohammad Yousuf b Aamer 13 28 0 0
M Clarke c Shahid Afridi b Umar Gul 25 35 2 0
C White c Mohammad Yousuf b Aamer 55 58 4 1
M Hussey c Shoaib Malik b Aamer 29 34 1 0
Haddin not out 27 14 3 0
Hauritz not out 1 1 0 0
Extras 1nb 2w 1b 3lb 7
Total for 6 267 (50.0 ovs)

Bowler O M R W
Aamer 9.0 0 53 3
Umar Gul 10.0 0 70 1
Naved 7.0 0 47 0
Shahid Afridi 10.0 0 35 2
Saeed Ajmal 10.0 1 41 0
Shoaib Malik 4.0 0 17 0
Fall of wicket
100 S Watson
114 Marsh
138 Ponting
166 M Clarke
221 M Hussey
261 C White

Back to top

Pakistan Innings - All out
Runs Balls 4s 6s
Salman Butt c C White b Bollinger 2 15 0 0
Kamran Akmal run out 16 31 1 1
Younus c C White b Bollinger 0 3 0 0
Mohammad Yousuf c Hauritz b McKay 58 94 3 1
Umar Akmal b Siddle 0 2 0 0
Shoaib Malik c Ponting b McKay 2 24 0 0
Shahid Afridi c and b S Watson 9 7 0 1
Aamer c and b Hauritz 4 9 0 0
Naved st Haddin b Hauritz 27 22 1 2
Umar Gul not out 1 7 0 0
Saeed Ajmal c Haddin b McKay 3 11 0 0
Extras 4w 1lb 5
Total all out 127 (37.3 ovs)

Bowler O M R W
Bollinger 9.0 1 19 2
Siddle 8.0 1 23 1
McKay 7.3 0 15 3
S Watson 3.0 0 10 1
Hauritz 7.0 0 45 2
M Clarke 3.0 0 14 0
Fall of wicket
7 Salman Butt
7 Younus
32 Kamran Akmal
32 Umar Akmal
42 Shoaib Malik
58 Shahid Afridi
71 Aamer
117 Naved
123 Mohammad Yousuf
127 Saeed Ajmal

Back to top

Umpires: E A R de Silva, R J Tucker, R S Madugalle, P R Reiffel
Australia: S Watson, Marsh, Ponting (C), M Hussey, M Clarke, C White, Haddin (W), Hauritz, McKay, Siddle, Bollinger
Pakistan: Salman Butt, Kamran Akmal (W), Younus, Mohammad Yousuf (C), Umar Akmal, Shoaib Malik, Shahid Afridi, Naved, Umar Gul, Aamer, Saeed Ajmal

BBC SPORT | Cricket Scorecard

BBC SPORT | Cricket

Dominant Aussies crush Pakistan
Australia produce an excellent all-round display to beat Pakistan by 140 runs and take a 2-0 lead in their one-day international series.
Match scorecard

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"Strauss's next engagement for England is 27 May" FROM BBC NEWS >>
Golden buck

Could the home of baseball ever take cricket to its heart? England frailties remain

England need more guts to retain the Ashes, says Ben Dirs

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If Otis Gibson does leave, England should try to hire Waqar Younis to help Anderson and Broad master the art of reverse swing
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Play off the back foot with Alastair Cook