5 Twitter Management Tools You Can’t Live Without

Without a doubt, one of the most popular shiny new objects of many social media marketing programs is Twitter. There are Twitter books, Twitter conferences, Twitter blogs and numerous articles devoted to Twitter marketing.  Unfortunately, there’s not enough time left over after reading all the promises of marketing nirvana from using Twitter to actually implement [...] http://bit.ly/bR9aRf

Open Letter to Blog Comment Spammers

Dear “SEO Consulting Services New York” and you too “Starting A Home Business”,
I have an admission to make: I don’t like comment spam. You are comment spammers. Our readers don’t like you. I don’t like you. You’re not welcome here.
Our Akismet filter has been doing a good job of filtering out spam and our commenting [...] http://bit.ly/aGKPUZ

Basic Tips on Web Analytics

Just about every business with a web site does something to market and promote it. When those companies are asked about web analytics, it’s surprising how many look back with a blank stare.  This isn’t the case with mature online marketers but it does happen a lot with new business web sites and blogs.
For many [...] http://bit.ly/b3CG1z

3 Reasons PR & Communications Pros Need to Know SEO

The PR industry is in a state of flux with increasing importance on getting into the content and social web business. Consumers are spending more time with digital and social media. Advertising dollars are following. That means less budget to staff newsrooms and reporters, journalists and editors to pitch.
Understanding the needs of their “customers’ customer” [...] http://bit.ly/brupt2

Ten Must Read Tips to Start a Small Business Blog

A friend of mine who is an experienced corporate marketer started a new business. The store just opened and being the good pal that I am, I was able to provide some advice regarding marketing on the web – specifically regarding blog marketing.
This is a new small business, so considerations for what to do about [...] http://bit.ly/9A4kaJ