5 B2B Social Media Winners

Take a moment to think about, and count, the number of B2C social media success stories that pop into your head.
I’ll venture to guess that you could immediately name five to 10, if not many more. From Ford to Sharpie to Zappos to Best Buy, B2C social media winners – those organizations that caught on [...] http://bit.ly/9bGKfr

7 Answers to News SEO Questions You Should Know

Recently I was invited to give a basics webinar on optimizing news content  for search.  The intersection of search and PR/communications are obviously something quite familiar and while I’ve done several such presentations with our client PRWeb, I had not done one with Search Engine Watch before.
The outcome exceeded all expectations thanks to the excellent [...] http://bit.ly/8ZcP67

Get Smarter at Online Marketing Summit

I know I did an upcoming events roundup last week but the upcoming Online Marketing Summit in San Diego is certainly worth a post of it’s own.  Besides, I get to announce that one of our clients from Zoomerang (MarketTools), won a free conference pass! Congratulations to Amy Lindahl!
Last year OMS came through Minneapolis [...] http://bit.ly/clWhDB

Two Biggest Advantages of Small Businesses SEO

With search engine optimization, small businesses have two advantages larger competitors often can’t match: creativity and agility.
By embracing these two philosophies as part of their digital marketing DNA, small businesses can carve out a search marketing strategy that runs circles around larger competitors.
Today, we’ll briefly explore why creativity and agility are advantages small businesses have [...] http://bit.ly/ahjEAT